Grieving For

Have you ever grieved,
or even thought,
of the deaths
of uncounted millions
of creatures
and beings,
some sentient,
some not,
on countless planets
how many suns
that go nova?
fiery deaths,
agony instant,
then ending –
and no one else
will ever know.

Internationally published, award-winning poet and historian, Duane Herrmann has work translated into several languages, publications in a dozen countries, in print and online, including nine collections of poetry, a sci fi novel, a history book, and a collection of short stories. His poetry has received the Robert Hayden Poetry Fellowship, inclusion in American Poets of the 1990s, Map of Kansas Literature (website), Kansas Poets Trail and others. These accomplishments defy his traumatic childhood embellished by dyslexia, ADHD, an anxiety disorder, and PTSD. He spends his time on the prairie with trees in the breeze, writes – and loves moonlight.


Ba (Barium)


Unwrapping Yourself