Richard Taylor Richard Taylor

Gaia Writes to Carl Rovelli about Reality

In 1992, I saw a boy chained to a loom / in the back room of a shop outside New Delhi. / His iron manacles were in reality / an undiscovered economic field.

—Cindy Ellen Hill

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Richard Taylor Richard Taylor

The Star Sower

I have mastered the art of sowing stars in the sky,

which was previously my mother's interior speciality;

upon her sad and sudden ascension to the seventh sky

—Jonathan Chibuike Ukah

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Richard Taylor Richard Taylor

Ba (Barium)

Vile draught


to the viscera,

through its dark


a dense

and viscous


—Robert René Galván

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Richard Taylor Richard Taylor

Grieving For

Have you ever grieved,

or even thought,

of the deaths

of uncounted millions

—Duane Herrmann

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Richard Taylor Richard Taylor

Unwrapping Yourself

The day unrolls itself around the fabric

of life—frayed rolls of cloth untouched

since birth. Drive west on the freeway toward

the ocean, unwrap yourself like a mummy.

—José Chávez

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Richard Taylor Richard Taylor

Waiting for the Borealis

You will be the amber and green lights tonight

the night before Mother’s Day,

the show in the anthracite sky

—Susan Cossette

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Richard Taylor Richard Taylor

Terminal Velocity

I’m apologizing for killing

the head-banging fly who can’t

press for clemency. The myth

—C. John Graham

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Richard Taylor Richard Taylor

The Power

You tell me / that the key / to the universe

resides in E. / To Einstein / it was simple

a point from which / the universe arises

its final catafalque.

—Louis Faber

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