The Power

You tell me
that the key
to the universe
resides in E.
To Einstein
it was simple
a point from which
the universe arises
its final catafalque.
How, I ask,
can symbolic failure
be critical,
what is so special
about five
why ought I care
for the third degree
of a natural scale
I cannot hope
to ascend.
Perhaps it is
only your eccentricity.
You tell me
to refine my vision
to consult Euler
but it is far
too transcendental
for my simple mind.

Louis Faber

Louis Faber is a poet and writer living in Florida with his wife and cat (his editor). His work has appeared in Alchemy Spoon, New Feathers Anthology, Dreich (Scotland), Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Erothanatos (Greece), Defenestration, Atlanta Review, Glimpse, Rattle, Cold Mountain Review, Eureka Literary Magazine, Borderlands: the Texas Poetry Review, Midnight Mind, Pearl, Midstream, European Judaism, The South Carolina Review and Worcester Review, among others, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. A book of poetry, The Right to Depart, was published by Plain View Press. He can be found at


Magic Meta/Physics Plato Fanboy Cave?